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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

10:45 AM | 0 comments

10:45 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I had my very first newborn session today! I think I got really lucky with this beautiful girl, she was amazing! Despite the photos I am showing, she was awake 95% of the session, which really suprised me, all I remember Riley ever doing was sleeping. I hope to be doing alot more of these!

++The new sizing for the blog has been alot of trial and error, I think I like just the simple site url, instead of the logo. But I think the images may be too large now. Anyone else?

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5:43 PM | 2 comments

Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm still alive, January is a sloow month, but I do have a couple sessions coming up before it ends. Big news is that Shelby Leigh Photography is launching January 29th!! Great new stuff, I think all my clients will be thrilled with what their getting! I did mention a big launching sale.... 50% all sittings! Now thats crazy considering what the new basic session is:

Premium Sitting
-time & talent
-$200 voucher credit
-soft cover proof book
-private online proofing and ordering website

For $175 that's what you get, the voucher credit alone is worth more than the price of the session! With that voucher credit you are not limited to prints, you may purchase ANY products I offer. BUT I will only be book 7 of these sale sessions OR run the sale for 30 days, whichever comes first. That doesnt mean your session has to be within those 30 days, you may book your sale sessions up to 7 weeks in advance. I will send a newsletter out to pretty much anyone I've ever gotten an email from a few days before with more information on the new transformation. I also a few new products and tid-bits and "special sessions", currently the only "special session" I offer is "a year in the life of baby",which is:

A year in the life of baby
-4 sessions (suggested:newborn, 3 months, 7 months, 12 months)
-$400 voucher credit
-10x10 40 page Art Book
-25 custom birth announcements or birthday announcements
-private online proofing and ordering website

Now this sitting may also be purchased during the sale but it is separate, I will book 2 of these sessions or run for 30 days and it is 25% off ($667), first session may be booked 16 weeks in advance and no longer, the time limit only apply's for the sale price.

I'll be posting photos of the new products, once I have them all in my hands. Email or call me if you have any questions, keep a lookout for your newsletter.

5:03 PM | 0 comments

Monday, January 01, 2007

I'll be vacationing in Mexico the 4th-7th, therefore I wont be able to return any contact until the 8th. Launch for new website is still set for mid January but I probably won't release a final date until 1-2 weeks before hand. Lots of new fun things, and a BIG launching sale :x

Happy New Year!

2:06 PM | 0 comments

Friday, December 29, 2006

I haven't done a Riley session in a while so today I took the time out to do that! I like to do a real concentrated shoot on her every now and again. Since she got a TV in her room we've been spending alot of time there, I know I'm bad, but now its a comfortable place to watch DVD's, color, and play with her new Christmas toys!

My mother is...not a very talented photographer. She uh, cant take a picture to save her life, and doesn't really "get" technology!(sorry mom!) I've always had the label of "family historian" even before I considered photography as a profession. Most of my child hood pictures are sparse (last child, my parents didn't care anymore), blurry beyond recognition, taken from so far back you have to squint (zoom!!!), or just scary! But I still love them, and laugh at them because they are memories of course! I think the photos I take of Riley now, are more for me than for her, but I think when she's older she will appreciate all the pictures I've taken of just the normal days like this. Well, she better!!

So, hey moms!! Here are some tips for taking better snapshots of your kids! (i'm testing out my new logo for my blog)

1.TURN OFF THE FLASH! On any occasion I am shooting a child I will not use a flash unless abslutely nessecary! You'll end up with that ugly direct fake flash look, harsh shadows, and youre kids will probably squint/close their eyes. Open the blinds/curtains in your house and let the natural light flow in!

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2.Act natural! I admit I am an offender of using the "look at mommy!" every once in a while. But 95% of the time I am just shooting her being herself. I couldnt have captured this adorable face if I made her flash me a big one. :)

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And this one, I just let her color in her book like she always does, nothing posed. She looked up at me on her own, I swear!!

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3. Details!- Its always fun to look back at the little things, whether it be a favorite toy or an image of their little hands and feet. I have one picture of Riley's little baby feet, that I will love forever!

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4. Silly faces!- sure the direct look at the camera and the smile from ear to ear is nice for grandma and grandpa but do you want an album full of that?

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5. The most important of all tips is to...CALL ME! :)

Just ONE more important thing I should add:

1. Don't dress your kids in a rediculous fluffy over the top outfit just for taking pictures. You'll look back and ask yourself, "what was I thinking" or your kid will ask "mooom! Why did you put me in that outfit!?!?!". I know you've done it, dont deny it! Stop now! For my "lifestyle" sessions with Riley I usually make sure to put her in something simple and timeless. But for special pictures I will put her in something crazy and fun!

3:42 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tis' the season for family portraits. Alot of younger kids really dont like getting their pictures taken, nor do they cooperate. But these kids were pretty darn good! Here is just two black and whites from today.

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8:27 PM | 1 comments

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I hadn't even heard of "Fast Food Nation" before I saw an interview on Nightline "A Sign of the Times" last week. I wasn't really watching but I overheard some gruesome facts. One that really stuck with me is that ONE meat patty from McDonald's can contain meat from hundreds to thousands of cows from over 5 different countries! I don't know about you, but to me that doesn't seem right. I always knew fast food was bad for you, in the sense that its high in calories, fat, etc. But I never realized that its really just crap food. I am a big offender of eating fast food at least 2 times a week, but since I heard that interview I haven't touched it since, and I don't plan on it unless I am craving some salty fries.

When I heard about the movie I thought it was just another documentary like "Supersize Me", but come to find out its a REAL movie, based on real facts, with well known actors. AND it was actually really good and very entertaining! I've heard of alot of responses like "So what no one has died yet!" OR the most popular is "So, its good!!". I compare it to a drug addict, putting crap in their body and say "So, its good!!". You should really check out their myspace page, and learn some new facts. Even if you will still enjoy a tasty Big Mac after that, you should see the movie, I give it two thumbs up.

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3:39 PM | 0 comments

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